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The form below is for those students who want to register for this year’s Landing Page Competition that is open from January 15, 2021, to midnight MST April 15, 2021.

Six things will happen after you correctly complete the form below:

  1. You will be redirected to a page titled “Next Steps”
  2. You will receive an email notifying you that your submission is pending approval.
  3. Once your submission is approved, you will receive a second email that confirms your approval and provides the password to a resources page.
  4. A custom five-page website will automatically be created for your business idea, using the information provided when you registered. The front page is the landing page where you will create the landing page you are entering into the landing page competition. Here is an example of what that website initially looks like.
  5. You need to log into the administration panel to your new website, using the username and password provided to you via email, and update the content on the pages that were automatically created. Use this link if you have forgotten your username or password.
  6. You will be able to post questions and answers on the 150 Startups Q&A forum.

* Means Mandatory

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