Complete the form below to start your journey of thinking and acting like an entrepreneur while effectively documenting a potential business idea.

Completing the form below will email you a link to a customized LeanStack Foundations course.

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  • Many colleges and universities have several areas – sometimes called programs- that they teach in. What is your primary area of study?
  • Which year of college or university are you currently in.
  • An idea/company based email address ([email protected] or [email protected]) is the best option. If you don’t have a company/idea email address then use your primary personal email address to be sure you don’t miss any communication or notification emails that are sent.
  • Which of the following have your already done related to your idea / busienss?
  • Which TWO OR THREE of the following resources do you think would have the biggest impact on helping those on campus who aspire to be an entrepreneur take the first steps to make that a reality?
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.