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Complete the form at the bottom of this page to request a free copy of From Start-Up to Grown-Up: Grow Your Leadership to Grow Your Business.

Growth of your company begins with growth within you. From Start Up to Grown Up provides you with effective and practical ways of maximizing your strengths, defusing your triggers, controlling your self-doubt and building on your motivators. With these self-management tools, you can then turn your attention to managing your team by ensuring the flow of communication and finding the joy of delegation and the soul in meetings. Finally, you gain practical tools for managing the company and ensuring overall effectiveness of your team and strategy, using specific scripts you need to have delicate or difficult conversations.

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  • Add you to an upcoming mentor page for startups and scaleups across the prairies
  • Share your email address and cell phone number with a fellow participant from the prairies who also requests a copy of Alisa’s book.

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