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Complete the form at the bottom of this page to request a free copy of Will Work for Pie.

Equity can be a powerful tool to attract resources and talent to your startup; dividing it up improperly can cause irreversible damage and derail an otherwise promising company. Will Work for Pie shows how to apply the logic of the aptly named Slicing Pie model for equity splits that has been used by thousands of startups all over the world to create a perfectly fair equity split.

In this book, you’ll learn what fairness looks like in a startup and how to achieve it:

  • How the Slicing Pie model works and why it always creates a fair split
  • What motivates employees and teams and how to build an effective incentive program
  • How to determine the fair market value of just about anything your company needs

A fascinating addition to the entrepreneur’s library, Will Work for Piespeaks to both startup founders and early participants who are looking at team-building for a new company, as well as seasoned entrepreneurs who may be wary of equity splits following a bad experience (or two).

To continue the building of cross-prairies and cross-sector relationships across the prairie provinces, please consider saying yes to the two questions in the form below that give us permission to:

  • Add you to an upcoming mentor page for startups and scaleups across Canada
  • Share your email address and cell phone number with a fellow participant from the prairies who also requests a copy of Mike’s book.