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Complete the form at the bottom of this page to request a free copy of The Intellectual Property Guide.

Intellectual property strategies to power your bottom line.

In the innovation economy, intellectual property is among the most valuable assets a business can have. IP strategy isn’t just incidental to success, it’s a key driver—research shows that IP-intensive small- and medium-sized enterprises are 60% more likely to achieve high growth.

Myra Tawfik and Karima Bawa, two noted experts in the field of IP law and strategy, want to help you achieve greater success through the strategic deployment of your business’s IP.

More than just patents, IP encompasses confidential information and trade secrets, industrial design, copyright, and trademarks. Understanding the unique IP portfolio of your business and how to leverage it for maximum benefit can pay huge dividends. A strong IP strategy can allow you to command higher prices for your goods and services, increase your market share, generate new revenue streams, improve brand recognition, attract new investment, and lower your costs. You can also avert threats from your competitors by using your IP both offensively and defensively to protect your market and drive up your competitors’ costs.

Perfect for entrepreneurs, innovators, inventors, expert advisors and investors, this primer will sharpen your knowledge and help you make informed decisions about IP strategy to drive your business forward.

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