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Complete the form at the bottom of this page to request a free copy of Fix This Next: Make the Vital Change That Will Level Up Your Business.

Fix This Next is for you if you find yourself trapped between stagnating sales, staff turnover, and unhappy customers and do not know what you should fix first. Mike Michalowicz figured out that every business has a hierarchy of needs, and if you can understand where you are in that hierarchy, you can identify what needs immediate attention. Simply fix that one thing next, and your business will naturally and effortlessly level up.

To continue the building of cross-prairies and cross-sector relationships across the prairie provinces, please consider saying yes to the two questions in the form below that give us permission to:

  • Add you to an upcoming mentor page for startups and scaleups across the prairies
  • Share your email address and cell phone number with a fellow participant from the prairies who also requests a copy of Mike’s book.

All the books have been spoken for.