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Complete the form at the bottom of this page to request a free copy of Say Less, Get More: Unconventional Negotiation Techniques to Get What You Want.

In Say Less, Get More, you’ll find out how to:

  • Assess where your situation falls on the negotiation spectrum so you can adjust your tactics accordingly;
  • Understand who you are negotiating with, their background and their goals, in order to develop your approach;
  • Determine your starting position, your final outcome and a strategy to get there;
  • Manage the negotiation process, overcome obstacles and find common ground;
  • Communicate effectively in any scenario, including learning what to say and when to say it if you can’t reach a deal;
  • Develop and foster excellent client relationships and networks.

Once you are armed with Iconomopoulos’s sensible strategies and proven advice, you’ll be able to confidently get what you want in business and in life.

To continue the building of cross-prairies and cross-sector relationships across the prairie provinces, please consider saying yes to the two questions in the form below that give us permission to:

  • Add you to an upcoming mentor page for startups and scaleups across the prairies
  • Share your email address and cell phone number with a fellow participant from the prairies who also requests a copy of Fotini’s book.

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